
Entre nous

Welcome in!

Fictive graphic identity work of a workshop managed by 4 retired grandmothers sharing a passion for cross stitch. This place, which also serves as a small boutique selling unique creations, allows elderly women to meet 2 days a week to embroider together. Also offering introductory courses for young people once a month, the group wishes to share their crafts with the latest generation. My team and I make the choice to fixe our text on an equal, for every deliverables, squared grid that is the exact same grid you have to work with when you cross stitch on canvas. The graphic intention was to melt the visual reference cross stitch passionate grandmothers have and the modular and playful perception of the youngest generation.

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  • Entre Nous, flyer
  • Entre Nous, social media
  • Entre Nous, liflet cover
  • Entre Nous, liflet layout
  • Entre Nous, liflet layout
  • Entre Nous, animate logo
  • Entre Nous, wrapper
  • Entre Nous, buissness cards
  • Entre Nous, buissness cards